Monday, January 31, 2011

I've found the answers

Salam alaik :)

I've found answers to my prayers through Travelog Seorang Daie.
Even though we are so energetic to spread the real Islam but we need to have knowledge as well to avoid Fitnah to our religion. InsyaAllah :)


Salam alaik :)

Alhamdullilah. Finally I had nasi berlauk + grilled beef as my breakfast.
After breakfast went to Kuantan Prade with mama to grab a few books.
I bought 2 books - Travelog Seorang Daie frim Telaga Biru and Untukmu Umat from Karya Bestari.
Praise to Him. In looking for the light to spread Islam as a Muslim, He introduced Travelog Seorang Daie to me.
InsyaAllah. :)


Salam alaik :)

Some people asked me which school did I go for secondary.
They were wondering whther I was from Islamic school as I talked about religion.
Sorry. I studied in a common public school somewhere in Kuantan.
I know my knowledge on Islam is limited thus I need people like you to be around me to guide me when I wrong.
Second, to spread da'wah is not only ulama's duty but us, THE MUSLIM.
I hope you are happy with my explanation and correct me if I am wrong as we are sisters in Islam. :)

Inspired by

Salam alaik :)

Life is short. Agreed.
My mom told me one day that her best friend's husband just passed on. He's in his early 40's. Weeks before, they had a great vacation in Hong Kong. With Allah's love they have 4 beautiful and handsome kids. The eldest is only 14. is short.


I do not know about him. One day, I happened to browse through Allah wanted to let me know one of the greatest man that day. Mas Afzal is his name. He's a graduate from Sheffield University in UK. Medic. Allah has called him. I really touched by his story. On his survival to fight against cancer, he still turned to Allah. I just admire him since then. I do believe that he is a good man. Good to his mother. Good to his friends. Good to his Creator. He became a volunteer to spread Islam whenever He could.  He inspired me in becoming a good muslim. Use your precious age for dakwah. As Allah loves youngsters who use their age to serve Him. As a matter of fact that is the reason we are created.

Al-Fatihah for Arwah Mas Afzal.

His blog :
Youtube: look for masafzal. There is a few videos on him. Last speech by joegrimjoe really make me ponder about our short life.

From Him we come To Him we return.
Death is a guaranteed.
We cant escape. Ready or not, see you in Barzakh.


Salam alaik :)

I've found a formula how to sustain our iman eventhough sometimes it is berbolak balik as stated in Quran.
Before doing something, take a deep breath and asks yourself
"If Rasullulah watching me doing this will He be ok?"
Why I ask you to imagine Rasullulah, as He is close to us as human being. We might not feel the existence of Allah, but we could feel the existence of our prophet through his sirah.

Just for sharing. But it works on me. InsyaAllah. :)

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Idea, anyone?

Salam alaik :)

Here I'd like to ask for your creative idea on how to promote Islamic Program/Activities in our little Musolla/Institute. We want to get rid of the idea "masjid/musolla is for alim ulama/ pious/ old people". Let's work together as one Ummah, brothers and sisters.
Let's crack the head. Your idea might be useful in spreading the beauty of Islam. Wallahualam. :)

I was thinking of organizing a photog competition as now everybody seems crazy over camera; lomo, polaroid, SLR to name a few. However, photo taken must relate to Islamic purposes as below for example:

Where did I get the idea? 
From this man...
He's Peter Sanders. or known as Abdul Adzeem. 
I read about him through
Click for more info about him and his marvelous photos.  

Da'wah takes many form. Choose yours. It will be great to see brothers and sisters who have passion in photog to develop their interests in a righteous ways. :)


Salam alaik :)

"Sahabat yang beriman,
ibarat mentari yang menyinar.
Sahabat yang setia,
bagai pewangi yang mengharumkan.
Sahabat sejati,
menjadi pendorong impian.
Sahabat berhati mulia,
membawa kita ke jalan Allah"
-Saidina Ali-

(Retrieved from, 2011)

Dari Nu’man bin Basyir r.a., Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Perumpamaan persaudaraan kaum muslimin dalam cinta dan kasih sayang di antara mereka adalah seumpama satu tubuh. Apabila satu anggota tubuh sakit makamengakibatkan seluruh tubuh menjadi demam dan tidak bisa tidur.” (Hadis riwayat Muslim)

“Seorang Muslim adalah saudara muslim lainnya, ia tidak menzaliminya, merendahkannya, menyerahkan (kepada musuh) dan tidak menghinakannya.” (Hadis riwayat Muslim)

“Teman yang paling baik adalah apabila kamu melihat wajahnya, kamu teringat akan Allah, mendengar kata-katanya menambahkan ilmu agama, melihat gerak-gerinya teringat mati.” 

Mai pakai nyanyi teman sejati-brothers :)
Aku perlukan teman-teman seperti kalian untuk mendekatkan diri kepadaNya. 

Hey He's Boonaa Mohammed

Salam alaik :)

Alhamdullilah, my love for poetry grows each day.
Thanks to this guy, Boonaa Mohammed.
He use his talent in a right way. May Allah pays his deeds.

My lecturer introduced him to us. This semester I am taking story telling as a subject. One of it is to recite poetry. Thus, she showed us a few videos on poem recitation. And my eyes were hooked! Thanks Madam Shirley for introducing him to us.

If you happen to surf, please type boonaa mohammed in search tab.
I fall for Priorities and For The Love.
Allahuakbar. Nikmat yang mana yang kau dustakan?  (Surah Ar-Rahman)

Berdakwah Menggunakan Teknologi

Salam alaik :)

Siapakah yang lebih baik perkataannya daripada orang yang menyeru kepada Allah, mengerjakan amal salih, dan berkata, “Sesungguhnya aku termasuk golongan kaum Muslim”?(Qs. Fushshilat [41]: 33)

Tanggungjawab menyampaikan da'wah adalah tanggungjawab setiap individu Muslim. Jika bukan kita yang menyampaikan syiah Islam yang menunjukkan kecantikan sebenar Islam, siapa lagi?

Oleh itu, saya mengingatkan diri yang hina ini untuk berdakwah menggunakan Facebook/Blog/Teknologi. MasyaAllah, bayangkan jika satu ayat kita dapat membukakan hati seseorang menerima sinar Islam dan membersihkan hati seorang Muslim dan mengajaknya U-turn. SubhanAllah.

Dan bayangkan pula jika ayat kita menjauhkan seseorang daripada Islam. MEnjauhkan Islam yang sebenar-benarnya daripada seseorang. Astaghfirullah.

Menutup aurat atau Bertudung

Salam alaik :)

Sebenarnye saya ada satu issue. Menutup aurat atau bertudung? Mana satukah kita?
Selalu kita dengar weh aku nak pakai tudung lah. doakan ye.
Aku belum bersedia nak pakai tudung.
Dia baik kot dia bertudung.

Ala.. saya pun tak bertutup sepenuhnya dulu. Skang neh saya pula nak cakap fikir cam bagus.
Oh, saya sedar. Tapi adakah anda tergolong dalam orang yang memberi nasihat untuk saya berubah? Jika ya, SubhanAllah ganjaran menanti anda. Jika tidak, ganjaran juga menanti anda. Ganjaran yang mana yang kamu mahukan?

Maka itu,
Bertudung apa maknanya?
Menutup aurat apa definisinya?
Fikir-fikirkan dan selamat beramal :)

A Project

Salam alaik :)

If you've read my previous entry, you will acknowledge my maktab has ultimately carrying out Islamic program. Something struck my mind. Out of nowhere, I got an idea. Straight away I texted Aina who is one of the lajnah.
Me: Salam. Aina, ade tak badas tunjuk video macam wayang then kutip sorang rm2 ke untuk derma?
Aina: Wsalam. Takde pulak kak. kenape ye?
Me: Oh..takdelah tibe2 terpk lagi2 tazkirah ape kate tunjuk movie ke. Pastuh terpk pasal cerita "The Message". Cite pasal Rasullulah.
Aina: Oh...Aina ade terpk jugak. Tapi takat pk je lah.
Aina: Akak ade cerite tuh ke?
Me: Ade...tapi English version with subtitles. InsyaAllah akak bawak balik maktab neh.
Aina: Yeay. Nanti Aina bagitau pihak MT (majlis tertinggi).
Aina: Neh yang bertambah sayang neh.
Me: ^_______^

p/s: ukhuwah fisabillilah. prove it. InsyaAllah.

Tentang Cinta

Salam alaik :)

Maktab saya sekarang neh giat buat aktiviti keagamaan. Bagus sungguh untuk orang seperti saya yang 'revert' 2 Islam. Alhamdullilah :)

One of the slots called Diskusi Ilmu where a few panels will be invited among the students itself. The panel will discuss on a topic for the particular day. 2 slots Alhamdullilah successfully carried out. Again Alhamdullilah I managed to attend both. The second slot was on "Tentang Cinta". Yes, we love LOVE. who doesn't.
Among the muslim who attended the discussion, there was an indian girl. She asked how to prevent love. Hmm..for me LOVE cannot be prevented. It happens. It is fitrah. A gift from Allah. BUT it is up to us how to make fully use of His gift. Don't misuse it.

If you love somebody, do you want him/her to get hurt?
If you love somebody who is haram for you, do you want him to be burned in the hellfire?
If you love somebody who is haram for you, do you want to be the reason why he is in the hellfire?
Surely the answer will be a big NO!
So think before you act. :)

Love is not only words but actions. We claim that we love Allah and His Messenger. But our action proves the opposite. Who do we want to bluff?

Learn from Muhammad s.a.w and His sahabat.

Setelah pernikahan antara Ali dan Fatimah, maka Fatimah pun berterus terang kepada Ali. ”wahai Ali, sebelum aku bernikah dengan engkau di Kota Mekah ini, ada seorang pemuda yang menjadi idola di hatiku. Aku sangat inginkan kelak dia menjadi suamiku. Tapi semua itu aku simpan di dalam hatiku..” ..”kalau begitu engkau menyesal menikahi aku?”tanya Ali..”tidak, kerana pemuda itu adalah dirimu..”jawab Fatimah.

p/s: I dont blame LOVE. But I blame those who misuse the precious gift from Him.

Kubur lainlain

Salam alaik :)

Kompem korang pernah dengar orang cakap " Kubor lain2 hang jaga kubor ang sudahlah". Setiap kali ade orang nak jadi 'alim' dengan bagi tazkirah free, kompem korang cakap gitu kan? Ke aku je? :)

Kalau dulu aku tak gemor/ bersetuju, tapi skang tidak lagi. Aku setuju 97% :)

Sebab nak jaga kubor sendiri lah kite kene saling tegur menegur andai ada sahabat/ saudara/adik beradik/ mak pak kita buat salah bagi menjamin kebahagian di alam kubur dan akhirat kelak.
Cuba bayangkan kalau maksiat depan mata dan kita buat dek je, saham kita turun ke naik? korang tak nak ke jaga kubor sendirik? Sebab tuh saya sokong :)