Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tentang Cinta

Salam alaik :)

Maktab saya sekarang neh giat buat aktiviti keagamaan. Bagus sungguh untuk orang seperti saya yang 'revert' 2 Islam. Alhamdullilah :)

One of the slots called Diskusi Ilmu where a few panels will be invited among the students itself. The panel will discuss on a topic for the particular day. 2 slots Alhamdullilah successfully carried out. Again Alhamdullilah I managed to attend both. The second slot was on "Tentang Cinta". Yes, we love LOVE. who doesn't.
Among the muslim who attended the discussion, there was an indian girl. She asked how to prevent love. Hmm..for me LOVE cannot be prevented. It happens. It is fitrah. A gift from Allah. BUT it is up to us how to make fully use of His gift. Don't misuse it.

If you love somebody, do you want him/her to get hurt?
If you love somebody who is haram for you, do you want him to be burned in the hellfire?
If you love somebody who is haram for you, do you want to be the reason why he is in the hellfire?
Surely the answer will be a big NO!
So think before you act. :)

Love is not only words but actions. We claim that we love Allah and His Messenger. But our action proves the opposite. Who do we want to bluff?

Learn from Muhammad s.a.w and His sahabat.

Setelah pernikahan antara Ali dan Fatimah, maka Fatimah pun berterus terang kepada Ali. ”wahai Ali, sebelum aku bernikah dengan engkau di Kota Mekah ini, ada seorang pemuda yang menjadi idola di hatiku. Aku sangat inginkan kelak dia menjadi suamiku. Tapi semua itu aku simpan di dalam hatiku..” ..”kalau begitu engkau menyesal menikahi aku?”tanya Ali..”tidak, kerana pemuda itu adalah dirimu..”jawab Fatimah.

p/s: I dont blame LOVE. But I blame those who misuse the precious gift from Him.

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